Saturday 21 February 2015

External corners

Flashing the external corners. Have X2 completed.
Work, play & hot weather (+40°C) has keep me busy hence the slow pace atm.

Monday 2 February 2015

Saturday 31 January 2015

Cladding . . .

Cladding on the main outside wall has been completed and I am really happy with the outcome thus far.
The different colored color bond sheets adds interest.
A 400x4800mm sheet needs to be added to the opposite wall.

Sunday 7 December 2014


After much deliberation between secondhand and new materials for the  cladding, new zincalum won.
Progress wasn't as much as I'd hoped but what has been done looks fantastic.

Monday 17 November 2014

French Doors

Doors are now both hung �� however door hardware still to come

Saturday 15 November 2014

Door Frames and Hanging

It was time to fit the secondhand doors that I purchased months ago. Before they could be fitted the door jambs had to be measured a made.
The tiny house is coming together well and it is approaching "lock up" status.
One of the two French doors was hung, the one that doesn't move as frequently as the other. The hinges on the other door, the one that moves the most, need replacing so unfortunately it wont be today.

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Experimenting with Cladding

Mismatched and short lengths of zincalume that I had on hand were temporarily screwed to the frame in order to help decide on cladding material.

I like the horizontal orientation and am torn on whether to use second hand material or buy new. . . .